Occupational Health & Safety Program Statement

It is CRG ENERGY Energy’s belief that our employees are the company’s most valuable assets and that they deserve the right to practice their profession in a safe working environment. Safety ranks as the highest priority of commitment by CRG ENERGY

Energy’s senior management. Our health and safety program were developed to provide the foundation for continuous improvement in our safety performance and serve as a means by which we sustain the importance of health and safety in our daily activities.

Principles of our Program:

  • Preventing Injuries, incidents and illness is a valued business practice
  • All injuries and work-related illnesses are preventable by anticipation, recognition, evaluation, and control of causative factors
  • Management at all levels is responsible for providing leadership, accountability and resources to prevent injuries, incidents and

Objectives of our Program:

  • Elimination of all injuries, incidents and work related illnesses through proper management of causative factors
  • Acceptance and practice by all employees and independent contractors of our health and safety principles and policies both on and off the job.
  • To provide consistent occupational health and safety training throughout the company
  • To provide respect and recognition in the marketplace, earned through our actions, and accomplishments for occupational safety.

Employee Responsibilities:

  • Comply with all CRG ENERGY health and safety policies and procedures
  • Comply with all Client site-specific requirements, policies and procedures for occupational health and safety
  • Report all accidents, injuries, near misses, and unsafe conditions
  • Follow safe work practices
  • Wear appropriate clothing and personal protective equipment
  • Recognize health and safety hazards and use appropriate


Workers: Under the Act “worker” is defined as “a person who performs work or provides services for monetary compensation”. This can be defined as employees, subcontractors and contractors.


Staffing firms experience health and safety challenges because of the nature of the employment relationship between the staffing firm, the client and the worker. Both the staffing firm and the client have responsibilities for the health and safety of the worker under the Occupational Health and Safety Act. These responsibilities co-exist and overlap; therefore, each organization must meet their obligations as employers to the worker. However, the overlapping nature of these obligations can create uncertainty as to which employer is responsible for fulfilling the duties.

  • Staffing firms should provide general orientation and determine the type of work and that the client has an adequate health and safety management system in place.

Our clients have a legal obligation to take every reasonable precaution to ensure workers are protected. Employers are responsible for the health and safety of all workers on their work sites, and must meet the legislated requirements outlined in the Occupational Health and Safety Act. This includes staffing firm employees. Both parties are jointly responsible for the health and safety of workers.

Why should businesses pay attention to health and safety?

It is the right thing to do.

Protecting workers from injury and illness is the right thing to do.

It’s the law.

Workplace health and safety is about the prevention of workplace injury or illness. Because it is such an important issue, there are laws in place to ensure that Canadians have a safe and healthy place to work.

Health and Safety is also good business.

Informed employers also realize that health and safety is good business – and that health and safety pays in more ways than one.

More Business, Better Business

A safe and healthy business is a well-managed business. That’s why:

  • many companies check to ensure that suppliers have a good health and safety record before they contract them for work or to provide services
  • Financial institutions are interested in a firm’s health and safety record when
  • considering a loan application

An unsafe business exposes you to liabilities that others don’t want to assume.

Better Quality

Many businesses, large and small, have found that the quality of their product improved and that it also forms the foundation of a safe and healthy workplace, after they corrected health and safety problems.

Many factors contribute to improved quality, such as

  • training
  • effective communication
  • worker involvement
  • a system for ensuring standards are met

Like quality, health and safety must start at the top with management commitment.

Health and Safety Policy

CRG ENERGY is committed to a health and safety management system that protects our workers, other workers who enter onto our property, and the general public.

Employees at every level are responsible and accountable for the company’s health and safety performance. Active participation by everyone, every day, in every job is necessary for the health and safety excellence that this company expects.

Management will:

  • Set an example and provide leadership in the health and safety
  • Set a health and safety policy and procedures
  • Provide proper equipment and training for workers Workers (employees and independent contractors) will:
  • Follow all safe work procedures
  • Work with an awareness of health and safety
  • Co-operate with the employer in working towards improved health and safety at work
  • A comprehensive CRG ENERGY health and safety policy is attached below

Our goal is a healthy, injury-free workplace for all workers. By working together, we can achieve this goal.

Environmental - Sustainability


CRG Energy Projects Inc. recognizes environmental protection as one of our guiding principles and a key component of sound business performance. We are committed to providing quality service in a manner that ensures a safe and healthy workplace for our employees and independent contractors and minimizes our potential impact on the environment. We will operate in compliance with all relevant federal, provincial, and municipal environmental legislation and we will strive to use pollution prevention and environmental best practices in all we do.

We will;

  • integrate the consideration of environmental concerns and impacts into all of our decision making and activities,
  • promote environmental awareness among our employees and independent contractors and encourage them to work in an environmentally responsible manner,
  • educate and inform our employees and independent contractors about environmental issues that may affect their work,
  • reduce waste through re-use and recycling and by purchasing recycled, recyclable, or refurbished products and materials where these alternatives are available, economical, and suitable,
  • promote efficient use of materials and resources throughout our facility including water, electricity, raw materials and other resources, particularly those that are non-renewable,
  • avoid unnecessary use of hazardous materials and products, seek substitutions when feasible, and take all reasonable steps to protect human health and the environment when such materials must be used, stored, and disposed of,
  • purchase and use environmentally responsible products,
  • where required by legislation or where significant health, safety or environmental hazards exist, develop and maintain appropriate emergency and spill response programs,
  • work in accordance with the Environmental Management Plan set out by an engineer or consultant on a specific project,
  • strive to continually improve our environmental performance by periodically reviewing our environmental policy considering our current and planned future activities.

Greenhouse Gases

Emissions of greenhouse gases have a harmful effect on the environment. Therefore, it is the determination of CRG Energy Projects Inc. to ensure that where reasonably practical, measures are taken to reduce these harmful effects.

Control measures include but are not limited to:

  • scheduling a carpool
  • Using low emission equipment and
  • Using energy that is of a renewable
  • Using equipment or machinery only when it is


Many products today contribute to harming the environment. Therefore, it is the resolve of CRG Energy Projects Inc. to consider the impact products can have prior to making a purchase. Products will be chosen first and foremost in a way that ensures they will have a minimal effect on the environment.

For example:

  • Products that are made of recycled materials or renewable materials should be selected first.

Vehicles & Equipment

Vehicles and equipment today contribute to a large number of the environmental problems we see that are ever increasing. Therefore, it is the determination of CRG Energy Projects Inc. to ensure that vehicles and equipment are used efficiently and provided with preventative maintenance regularly. This will keep the vehicles and equipment in proper working order.

  • Vehicles and equipment should be shut off when not in use and never left idling when not necessary.
  • when possible an alternative fuel source should be
  • When the job permits, use the most efficient vehicles and

Water Conservation: Can be defined as:

  • Any beneficial reduction in water loss, use or waste as well as the preservation of water quality.
  • A reduction in water use accomplished by implementation of water conservation or water efficiency measures; or,
  • Improved water management practices that reduce or enhance the beneficial use of water.

Water conservation efforts include as follows:

  • To ensure availability for future generations, the withdrawal of fresh water from an ecosystem should not exceed its natural replacement rate.
  • Energy conservation. Water pumping, delivery, and wastewater treatment facilities consume a significant amount of In some regions of the world over 15% of total electricity consumption is devoted to water management.
  • Habitat Minimizing human water use helps to preserve fresh water habitats for local wildlife and migrating waterfowl, as well as reducing the need to build new dams and other water diversion infrastructures.
  • Reduce water consumption per
  • We’re more likely to notice leaks indoors, but don’t forget to check outdoor faucets, sprinklers and hoses for leaks. Grab a wrench and fix that leaky faucet.
  • Run the dishwasher only when it is Don’t rinse the dishes first.
  • Upgrade older toilets with water efficient
  • Report broken pipes, open hydrants and errant sprinklers to the property owner or your water provider.
  • Water plants only when More plants die from over-watering than from under-watering
  • Don’t water the lawn

Energy Conservation:

  • Energy conservation measures should be used whenever possible. This can include shutting down equipment when it’s not in use, use of energy efficient light bulbs, using new energy efficient technology, using equipment with the ENERGY STAR mark, etc.

Alcohol and Drug Policy

Our company is committed to the health and safety of employees, the public and the environment. To this end, we will make every reasonable effort to minimize risks associated with our operations and to ensure a safe, healthy and productive workplace. The use of illicit drugs, and the inappropriate use of alcohol, medications or other substances, can have serious adverse effects on the safety and wellbeing of employees, the public or the environment.

Use of alcohol in the workplace creates a range of problems. Where there is use of alcohol, employees can cause injury to themselves and others, can lose their job or family and damage their physical and mental health.

Workmates of a substance user during working hours are faced with increased risks to their health, safety and welfare. They may also find themselves covering for poor work performance and disputes. Employers are faced with lateness and absenteeism, lost time and production from inefficiency, accidents and damage to site, building, equipment and other property.

CRG ENERGY recognizes that there is a distinction between the casual use of alcohol or other substances, and the use as a result of a handicap of substance abuse or substance dependence. Where the employee has a substance abuse or substance dependence problem, we are committed to encourage individualized treatment and rehabilitation to assist the employee in overcoming his or her problem. This policy applies to all employees and independent contractors working for CRG ENERGY, and applies to all CRG ENERGY work locations.

Our Commitment

We respect the confidentiality of each member of our company and are committed to the wellbeing of each individual. Any employee demonstrating a need for support will be approached with respect and offered encouragement to seek assistance.


The Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse (CCSA) defines workplace substance abuse as the use of a potentially impairing substance to the point that it adversely affects performance or safety at work, either directly through intoxication or hangover, or indirectly through social or health problems. Substance abuse is considered to occur when a drug is taken without medical reasons, or if a substance impairs or jeopardizes the health or safety of oneself or others. Abuse can occur by using a substance too much, too often, for the wrong reasons, at the wrong time, or at the wrong place.

The range of substances that are abused is wide and can include alcohol, cocaine (including crack), marijuana, other illicit drugs, solvents, and misuse of prescription drugs or over-the- counter medications.

Code of Behaviour

No person under the influence of alcoholic beverages or carrying illicit drugs is to enter or, knowingly be permitted to enter the work area. The use of alcohol and other drugs (not prescribed by a physician / over the counter medication) in a work area or during work hours will result in disciplinary action.


CRG Energy does not condone unauthorized or misuse of substances at our workplace.

  • When a person is identified not observing policy in the workplace, management is to be contacted immediately.
  • The employee is to remain in a safe location until management can attend and assist an investigation of the incident or concern must be completed and
  • Transportation will be arranged for the employee to be taken
  • Any violation of this Drug and Alcohol Policy will be subject to discipline as outlined in

Workplace Violence

The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that workers receive neither injury due to nor exposure to workplace violence in Canada.

Key Responsibilities

Safety Manager
CRG ENERGY has a written Workplace Violence program. The Safety Manager shall maintain a policy and procedure respecting potential workplace violence in Canada.

Site Manager

  •  Responsible for the implementation and maintenance of the program for their site and ensure all assets are made available for compliance with the program.
  • Enforcing by immediate, and with no hesitation, steps to immediately address any incident of workplace violence.
  • All shall be familiar with this procedure and the local workplace violence program.
  • Shall immediately report any exposure to or knowledge of workplace violence to their supervisor.

Risk Assessment
A risk assessment must be conducted to evaluate the risk of workplace violence. CRG ENERGY PROJECTS INC. shall assess the risks of workplace violence that may arise from the nature of the workplace, the type of work or the conditions of work. The assessment shall take into account circumstances that would be common to similar workplaces, circumstances specific to the workplace and any other prescribed elements.
Workplace Hazard Control and Prevention
CRG ENERGY PROJECTS INC. will identify and institute a combination of control measures designed to eliminate or mitigate the risks of violence incidents.

Workplace Harassment Policy

Workplace Harassment Policy
The management of CRG ENERGY is committed to providing a work environment in which all individuals are treated with respect and dignity. In pursuit of this goal, CRG Energy Projects Inc. does not condone and will not tolerate acts of violence, harassment, or bullying against or by any CRG Energy Projects Inc. employee. Our Workplace Anti- violence, Harassment, and Sexual Harassment Policy is not meant to stop free speech or to interfere with everyday interactions. However, what one person finds inoffensive, others may not. Usually, harassment can be easily distinguished from normal, mutually acceptable socializing. It is important to remember that it is the perception of the receiver that determines whether the potentially offensive message is acceptable or not, be it spoken, gestural, pictorial, or some other form of communication which may be deemed objectionable or unwelcome.

Workplace harassment will not be tolerated from any person in the workplace. Everyone in the workplace must be dedicated to preventing workplace harassment. Managers, supervisors, staff, and contractors are expected to uphold this policy, and will be held accountable. Workplace harassment means engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct against a staff member in a workplace- a comment or conduct that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome.
Harassment may also relate to a form of discrimination as set out in the Human Rights Code.

This policy is not intended to limit or constrain the reasonable exercise of management functions in the workplace.
Staff members are encouraged to report any incidents of workplace harassment to your Health and Safety representative or directly to a senior manager. There will be no negative consequences for reports made in good faith.

Management will investigate and deal with all concerns, complaints, or incidents of workplace harassment in a fair and timely manner while respecting a worker’s privacy as much as possible. Every manager, supervisor and staff member and contractor must work in compliance with this policy.

CRG Energy Projects Inc. is committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment, free from violence, threats of violence, discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, intimidation, and any other misconduct. Similarly, weapons are strictly prohibited from the company’s premises; violators will be subject to disciplinary action, and the incident will be reported to the police.
It is also a violation of the Workplace Anti-violence, Harassment, and Sexual Harassment Policy of CRG Energy Projects Inc. for anyone to knowingly make a false complaint of violence or harassment or to provide false information about a complaint. Individuals who violate this policy are subject to disciplinary and corrective action, up to and including termination of employment.

This policy prohibits reprisals against individuals acting in good faith who report incidents of workplace violence or act as witnesses. Management will take all reasonable and practical measures to prevent reprisals, threats of reprisal, or further violence. Reprisal is defined as any act of retaliation, either direct or indirect.

This policy applies to all individuals working for the organization, including front-line employees, temporary employees, contract service providers, contractors, all supervisory personnel, managers, officers, and directors. The organization will not tolerate violence or harassment, whether engaged in by fellow employees, managers, officers, directors, or contract service providers of the organization.

CRG Energy Projects Inc. will not tolerate any form of harassment or discrimination against job candidates and employees on any grounds listed in the definitions for violence and harassment, whether during the hiring process or during employment. This commitment applies to such areas as training, performance assessment, promotions, transfers, layoffs, remuneration, and all other employment practices and working conditions.

All CRG Energy Projects Inc. employees are personally accountable and responsible for enforcing this policy and must make every effort to prevent discrimination or harassing behaviour and to intervene immediately if they observe a problem or if a problem is reported to them.

For the purposes of this policy, harassment and bullying can occur:

  • At the workplace;
  • At employment-related social functions;
  • In the course of work assignments outside the workplace;
  • During work-related travel;
  • Over the telephone, if the conversation is work-related; or
  • Elsewhere, if the person is there as a result of work-related responsibilities or a work-related relationship.

If you are either directly affected by or witness to any violence in the workplace, it is imperative for the safety of all CRG Energy Projects Inc. employees that the incident be reported without delay. Reporting any violence or potentially violent situations should be done immediately to management, or the Human Resources department.

Canada’s Criminal Code addresses violent acts, threats, and behaviours, such as stalking. The police should be contacted immediately when an act of violence has occurred in the workplace or when someone in the workplace is threatened with violence. If an employee feels threatened by a co-worker, volunteer, contractor, student, vendor, visitor, client, or customer, an immediate call to “911” is required.


  • The right to refuse unsafe work is a legal right of every worker provided by the Occupational Health and Safety Act. CRG Energy Projects Inc. is committed to ensuring a safe workplace.

Should an employee have a legal court order (e.g., a restraining order, or “no-contact” order) against another individual, the employee is encouraged to notify his or her supervisor, and to supply a copy of that order to the Human Resources department. This will be required in instances where the employee strongly feels that the aggressor may attempt to contact that employee at CRG Energy Projects Inc., in direct violation of the court order, so that CRG Energy Projects Inc. may take all reasonable actions to protect the employee. Such information shall be kept confidential and protected in accordance with all applicable legislation.
If any visitor to the CRG Energy Projects Inc. workplace is seen with a weapon (or is known to possess one), or makes a verbal threat or assault against an employee or another individual, employee witnesses are required to immediately contact the police, emergency response services, their immediate supervisor, and the Human Resources department.
All records of harassment and subsequent investigations are considered confidential and will not be disclosed to anyone except to the extent required by law.
In cases where criminal proceedings are forthcoming, CRG Energy Projects Inc. will assist police agencies, lawyers, insurance companies, and courts to the fullest extent.

This Anti-violence, Harassment, and Sexual Harassment Policy must never be used to bring fraudulent or malicious complaints against employees. It is important to realize that unfounded or frivolous allegations of personal harassment may cause both the accused person and the company significant damage. If it is determined by the company that any employee has knowingly made false statements regarding an allegation of personal harassment, immediate disciplinary action will be taken.

If it is determined by the company that any employee has been involved in violent behavior, unacceptable conduct, or harassment of another employee, immediate disciplinary action will be taken. Such disciplinary action may involve counselling, a formal warning, or dismissal.

CRG Energy Projects Inc. will do everything it can to protect the privacy of the individuals involved and to ensure that complainants and respondents are treated fairly and respectfully. CRG Energy Projects Inc. will protect this privacy so long as doing so remains consistent with the enforcement of this policy and adherence to the law. Neither the name of the person reporting the facts nor the circumstances surrounding them will be disclosed to anyone whatsoever unless such disclosure is necessary for an investigation or disciplinary action. Any disciplinary action will be determined by the company and will be proportional to the seriousness of the behavior concerned.
CRG Energy Projects Inc. will also provide appropriate assistance to any employee who is the victim of violence, discrimination, or harassment.

Counselling, performance appraisal, work assignment, and the implementation of disciplinary actions are not forms of harassment, and this policy does not restrict a manager’s or supervisor’s responsibilities in these areas.

Diversity and Employee Equity

Integrity and respect for others are the fundamental characteristics that define our behavior as employees and representatives of CRG Energy. It is present in our interactions with work colleagues, our customers, and all our stakeholders. As such, integrity and respect for others serve as the building blocks upon which this code is based. Together with our guiding principles that make up this code, integrity and respect for others both as individuals and collectively as representatives of the Corporation, we implement the business objectives of the Corporation in communities across Canada.


We envision an inclusive community where everyone belongs and lives in harmony. We utilize our diverse community, by providing opportunities and resources to create an inclusive, respectful and engaging workplace.

Our Employment Equity and objectives is of paramount importance to CRG Energy. We do this by way of an annual employee survey conducted by a third-party organization which identifies, measures and provides constructive feedback on our EE objectives. This organization spends countless hours interviewing our employees and then provides feedback to the Executive Team with recommendations. The third party attends our annual all employee kick-off meeting and delivers their findings as well as the actions that the Executive Team is taking to address any potential areas of opportunity.

Health and Safety Management System

To ensure the health and safety of their workers, CRG ENERGY is committed to developing a comprehensive health and safety management system. This will increase our awareness of workplace health and safety in general, and will allow us to better assess the presence and effectiveness of the health and safety systems of our clients

What is a Health and Safety Management System?

A health and safety management system is a process put in place by an employer to minimize the incidence of injury and illness at the workplace. The scope and complexity of a health and safety management system varies, depending on the type of workplace and the nature of the work performed.

This is based on the premise that when employers and workers voluntarily build and implement effective health and safety systems in their own workplaces, the human and financial costs of workplace injuries and illnesses will be reduced.

The purpose of a Health and Safety Management System is to identify, assess and control workplace hazards. To be effective, the following components are considered essential and form the foundation of the health and safety management system:

  • clearly stated company health and safety policy and management commitment
  • identification and analysis of health and safety hazards at the work site
  • control measures to eliminate or reduce risks from hazards
  • an inspection program
  • worker competency and training
  • emergency response planning
  • incident reporting and investigation
  • program administration

Phases of Assignment
CRG ENERGY has broken the management of the Health & Safety Policy into 3 phases.

Phase 1 (Pre-Assignment) Job Description
CRG ENERGY will enquire of the client:

What is the training required to do the job prior to placement? What site-specific training is required? Is personal protective equipment required? (PPE)

When assigning workers to a job CRG ENERGY will ensure to the best of our ability, as a condition of assignment, that the client has policies and procedures that will result in our employees (temporary workers) and independent contractors being made aware of and protected from existing/emerging hazards specific to the client’s workplace.

Client Policies
As a staffing firm CRG ENERGY should undertake to inquire as to the existence of health and safety polices of the Client and advise the Client about their respective responsibilities for the health and safety of workers.

Client Interview
CRG ENERGY does not control the physical workplace in which our temporary employees and independent contractors will be working. However, it is important to ensure that our clients have adequate health and safety systems in place, and to place our temporary employees and independent contractors in safe workplaces.

During the pre-assignment Client interview, we look for information that compliance with the Health and Safety legislation is maintained and that an effective health and safety system is in place including, but not limited to:

  • A health and safety policy manual with policies and procedures
  • Written hazard assessment and evidence that controls are in place for identified hazards
  • Orientation and training processes
  • Incident reporting and investigation processes
  • First aid services.
  • Emergency response plan
  • Safe work procedures

CRG ENERGY /Client Responsibilities
As a best practice, it is recommended that prior to assigning workers to a client work site CRG ENERGY will meet the shared responsibilities for the health and safety of temporary workers and independent contractors by determining that the client has a health and safety system in place.

Employee / Independent Contractors Responsibilities
As part of their orientation workers should be made aware of their responsibility to report hazards. CRG ENERGY will ensure that as part of orientation with the client prior to placement workers that the independent contractor is aware of how to report hazards at the client work site, including who they report and how to report hazards to CRG ENERGY.

Employee / Independent Contractors Orientation, Competency and Training
As a best practice, CRG ENERGY will review with the client that processes are in place to provide site specific training and orientation when required and to confirm that Client has a process to determine that Employee / independent contractors are competent to do the jobs/tasks safely that they are requested to do at the work site.

The purpose of orientation is to acquaint all Employee / independent contractors with CRG ENERGY policies and the Client’s organization its policies, standards and procedures. Orientations by CRG ENERGY and by Client should include, but is not limited to:

  • all information about respective CRG ENERGY and Client health and safety policies and procedures,
  • Occupational health and safety roles and responsibilities of CRG ENERGY, client and

Employee / independent contractors

  • hazard identification, assessment, and the hierarchy of controls
  • worker’s right to refuse work and procedures to follow
  • what to do in the case of a work related event (i.e.: injury, near miss, property damage)
  • what to do when the expected job requirements/duties have been changed injury response and reporting, including reporting of near miss, hazards, incidents, and injuries
  • personal protective equipment use and maintenance where required
  • requirements for compliance with client site rules and responsibilities first aid and emergency response
  • assessment by Client of additional policies, certifications and training that is required for the specific statement of work..

Phase 2 (Assignment)

On-site/Client Orientation 

Beyond the general orientation that an Employee / independent contractors receives by CRG ENERGY , it is imperative that all Employee / independent contractors are fully oriented to the work sites where they will perform their work duties, regardless of the amount of time that they will conduct activity at that site. This is the primary obligation of the client; however, as CRG ENERGY shares some responsibility for all employer responsibilities and obligations, CRG ENERGY will exercise due diligence to determine that this is being done.

The client is responsible for all work site-specific training and for ensuring that the Employee / independent contractors is competent to perform any work they are asked to do at their work site. The client may have specific expectations or requirements for qualifications or training of workers before they are sent to the work site. This should be clearly identified between CRG ENERGY and the client before workers are sent to the site, and should be included in the contract. Again, as CRG ENERGY is jointly responsible, we must exercise due diligence to confirm that all the responsibilities and obligations of the client company are being performed.

The client company will also be responsible for communicating to the Employee / independent contractors on an ongoing basis and ensuring that the Employee / independent contractors has a both a general orientation and a health and safety orientation to the specific work site. It is understood that the client will have knowledge regarding the work site and therefore should be responsible for providing orientation, including hazards, controls, emergency response, safe work practices and expectations. This includes supervision of the work activity by a competent person.

As a best practice, CRG ENERGY should confirm that the client company has orientation procedures as part of its O.H. & S policy and program.

Phase 3 (Assignment Management)

Reporting Unsafe/Unhealthy Conditions

Employee / independent contractors should have a clear understanding of how and to whom to report any unsafe or unhealthy conditions at the client work site. They should also be aware of the reporting requirements for CRG ENERGY North America.

Reporting and Investigating Incidents and/or Injuries
CRG ENERGY and the client share the responsibility for ensuring that investigation of incidents involving the staffing firm’s workers is completed. The investigation of incidents at the work site is the responsibility of the client company. CRG ENERGY will work with its clients to confirm that a procedure exists with the client and workers to ensure that they are notified of any incidents and the results of the incident investigation. The procedure for reporting incidents at the work site will be clearly outlined to all workers by the client company as part of the orientation.

Procedure Development
Investigation procedures will consist of a step-by-step approach to ensure all aspects of an investigation are covered.

Procedures should:

  • specify who is responsible at a client site to notify the staffing firm of an incident –
  • specify record-keeping procedures – request that copies of investigation reports be shared with CRG ENERGY
  • confirm that there is client follow-up and evaluation of effectiveness of investigations, recommendations and expected outcomes.

First Aid
The client has responsibility for ensuring that there are adequate first aid services and supplies at the work site. The location of first aid supplies and services, how to report injuries and completion of the first aid record should be part of the job site orientation for all workers.

CRG ENERGY is required to meet the legislated requirements for its place of business for first aid services and supplies.

Emergency Response
The client company is responsible for developing the Emergency Response Plan for their work sites. CRG ENERGY should confirm the existence of a client Emergency Response Plan as part of their initial orientation as they are still jointly responsible to ensure that this legislative requirement is met.

CRG ENERGY is required to have an emergency response plan for its own work sites, as with any other employer.

All Employee / independent contractors must be aware of the emergency response plan and any requirements it may present. This should be included in the Employee / independent contractors’ orientation to the work site.

Health and Safety Training Awareness

It is a Policy of CRG Energy Projects Inc. (“CRG ENERGY”) to ensure that a worker who performs work for an employer completes a basic occupational health and safety awareness training program as soon as practicable. A worker does not need to complete the training if: (a) the worker previously completed a basic occupational health and safety awareness training program and provides the employer with proof of completion of the training; and (b) the employer verifies that the previous training has been completed.

CRG ENERGY’s basic occupational health and safety awareness training program for workers will include instruction on the following: (1) the duties and rights of workers under the Act; (2) the duties of employers and supervisors under the Act; (3) the roles of health and safety representatives and joint health and safety committees under the Act; (4) the roles of the Ministry, the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board and entities designated under section

22.5 of the Act with respect to occupational health and safety; (5) common workplace hazards; (6) the requirements set out in Regulation 860 (Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS)) with respect to information and instruction on controlled products; and (7) Occupational illness, including latency.

CRG ENERGY will ensure that a supervisor who performs work for the employer completes a basic occupational health and safety awareness training program within one week of performing work as a supervisor. A supervisor does not need to complete the training if: (a) the supervisor previously completed a basic occupational health and safety awareness training program and provides the employer with proof of completion of the training; and (b) the employer verifies that the previous training has been completed.

A basic occupational health and safety awareness training program for supervisors must include instruction on the following: (1) the duties and rights of workers under the Act;

(2) the duties of employers and supervisors under the Act; (3) the roles of health and safety representatives and joint health and safety committees under the Act; (4) the roles of the Ministry, the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board and entities designated under section 22.5 of the Act with respect to occupational health and safety; (5) how to recognize, assess and control workplace hazards, and evaluate those controls; and (6) sources of information on occupational health and safety. CRG ENERGY will maintain (a) a record of workers and supervisors who have completed the basic occupational health and safety awareness training, and (b) a record of workers and supervisors that have been exempted from the training (if applicable).


WHMIS is a comprehensive plan for providing information on the safe use of hazardous materials used in Canadian workplaces. The (three) 3 principal elements of WHMIS that are used to provide information to employers and workers are Labels, Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), and Worker Education programs.

The Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) Regulation was established under the Occupational Health and Safety Act to give employers, employees and the public information about hazardous materials used in the workplace.

Note: Some hazardous substances may be exempt from certain WHMIS requirements such as labels and safety data sheets. These substances are generally regulated by other legislation.

Exemptions to WHMIS include:

  1. An explosive within the meaning of the Explosives Act (Canada)
  2. A cosmetic, device, drug or food within the meaning of the Food and Drugs Act (Canada)
  3. A pest control product within the meaning of the Pest Control Products Act (Canada)
  4. A nuclear substance that is radioactive within the meaning of the Nuclear Safety and Control Act (Canada)-
  5. A consumer product within the meaning of the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act (Canada)
  6. A tobacco product within the meaning of the Tobacco Act (Canada)

Please find more information here – https://www.bchsys.org/en/careers-and- volunteering/resources/Student-Placement-Modules/2017-WHMIS.pdf

Below is the list of legally mandated training to be completed by contractor

  1. Workplace Violence and
  2. Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA)
  3. Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS)
  4. Worker/Supervisor Health and Safety